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Well, welcome to 2018 were we live in an instagram/Snapchat world. chances are if you are reading this, most likely you are either a blogger, influencer, content creator, marketer or simply looking for new and creative ways to engage your social audience.

So I’m going to keep this really brief cause I’m sure you already know how to do basics (like adding images to your story and putting up voting polls…e.t.c)

#Firstup remember Insta stories are only made up of 15seconds per tap, meaning you have only 15secs to engage your audience insantly (thats not an easy one but hey, we are here to make it simple) 

PROTIP 1: Tell A Story, We can’t go any further if your not willing to tell a story to your audience using the insta story option. create clear and simple mind engaging content from Start,Middle to Finish, an easy way to play around this most especially for bloggers is to turn your blogposts with high engagement into an Insta Story using Apps like (ADOBE SPARK-POST, CANVA…e.t.c) Remember its a story your trying to tell.

PROTIP 2: Whats your brand all about, be it food, fashion, lifestyle, Tech or whatever. why not create helpful Tutorials and tips around your brand, tips to keep your insta story audience engaged within the first tap. people will naturally propel towards people/brands who always provide value to them, in your case its your helpful Tutorial.

PROTIP #3: Be Authentic/Get Creative – instagram Stories offer individuals the ability to get creative while trying to engage your audience, from voting polls, use of GIFS to the recently included “Ask Me A Question”Option. you’ve got to think outside the box e.g. hosting insta story takeover, Going Behind the Scenes of your brand, hosting a Q & A with your audience to win prizes from what your brand offers.

While doing all this, one thing you have to keep in mind is staying Authentic and been true to your brand.

BONUS TIP: If your able to merge this few tips with your already acquired instastory skills, chances are you’ll definitely be creating a kickass insta story content.The only thing left now is to promote your insta story to reach a wider audeince and don’t forget to use your CTA ( Call To Action Button) 

Photo credit: Hootsuite


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